This week,Monday, Dec. 16th- Sunday, Dec. 22nd, isSchool Year Friends & Family Watch Week & Creative Movers Bring a Friend Week:
School Year Classes: Family members will be invited in for the last 10 minutes of 45 minute classes or the last 15 minutes of any classes that are an hour or longer to see what we've been working on!
Creative Mover Classes:You are encouraged to bring a friend* or stuffed animal pal for extra in-class fun! Show off the progress we have made before we leave for Break!
*All friendsmust be the appropriate age for Creative Movers (18 months - 2.5 years), fill out thewaiver formin advance, and attend with a caregiver who will participate in class with them.
After this week, we will beCLOSEDforWinter Break,December 23rdtoJanuary 5th.Enjoy your Winter Holidays & have a Happy New Year
Did you know we have aSpring Mini Session?Well, now you do! Clickherefor more information or to register & secure your spot in the session!
Posted Mon 12/16 11:08AM
12/9-12/15: Keep Warm 🧤🧣❄️
Remember to bundle up as it rapidly gets cold outside! Don't forget to check the Lost & Found for any missing coats and gloves.
Reminderthat next week,Monday, Dec. 6th- Sunday, Dec. 22nd, is School Year Friends & Family Watch Week:
Family members will be invited in for the last 10 minutes of 45 minute classes or the last 15 minutes of any classes that are an hour or longer to see what we've been working on!
Afterwards, we will then beclosedforWinter Break,December 23rd to January 5th.Enjoy your Winter Holidays!
Posted Mon 12/09 06:15PM
12/2-12/8: Winter Months are Here! Welcome back!
Monday, December 2nd, our Winter Session (12/2/24-3/7/24) for Creative Movers & Adaptive Dancers starts! Give a big welcome to them : )
Recital Fee Reminder: If you do not have a card on-file & were not charged onDecember 1st,pleasebe sure to pay your Recital Fees byDecember 8th!