2025-2026 Creative Movers Toddler / Adult Dance Classes

This 45 minute, once-per-week, adult participation class is designed to introduce children ages 18 months to 2.5 years to basic concepts of movement and music. Age appropriate gross motor and social skills are developed using creative movement activities, song & dance routines, basic tumbling and pre-ballet. "Me Moments," sprinkled throughout the class offer a great opportunity for parents or care givers to get in some exercise of their own with quick conditioning exercises designed to use the toddlers as weights!

Session Dates & Tuition

  • Session 1 (9/2-11/25): $300 for Tuesdays (10 classes) $330 for Saturdays (11 classes)
  • Session 2 (12/1-3/7): $330 for Tuesdays (11 classes) $300 for Saturdays (10 classes)
  • Session 3 (3/9-6/9): $330 for Tuesdays (11 classes) $300 for Saturdays (10 classes)

Tuition plus a non-refundable membership fee is due at the time of registration. The membership fee is $50 for the first student, $25 for any additional family members who register. The membership fee is only paid once per year.

Priority Registration for current students runs through Tuesday April 8th through our Parent Portal.  Open Registration for new students will begin on Wednesday, April 9th online below, in-person at the studio, or by phone at 703-533-8830.

Class Listing