Pets of Perfect Pointe

Oreo & November - Ms. Kendra and Mr. Chris
Favorite activities: Impersonating Hermit Crabs & Eating Bananas

Claude and Holtby - Ms. Kayleigh
Claude and Holtby are brothers and best friends. They are very sweet, super cuddly, and love playing with their feather toy! Holtby loves anyone who will give him pets and attention, while Claude is more comfortable around people he knows well. They love doing yoga with Miss Kayleigh and hanging out with their moms on the sofa at night.

Reese - Ms. Katie
Miss Katie's almost 2 year old mini golden-doodle. aka a Pandemic Puppy
Likes: running fast, playing with his cousins, time outside, pets, cuddles, treats, trips to the dance studio, car rides, visitors to his house
Dislikes: when mom leaves for work and doesn’t take him
Littermates with Brut

Bennie and Doris - Ms. Suzie
Bennie takes being a cat very seriously. She knows it's just a string, but one day it won't be and she's gonna be ready! Doris likes to lounge around, get her belly rubbed, and lick things that are plastic.

Violette "Beauregarde" - Mx. Ember
Violette is Mx. Ember’s 10-year-old Labrador. She is very quiet until you get to know her and then realize she is the biggest diva in the land, especially when it comes to wearing her purple booties. She loves pets and every treat man has ever created. Her dislikes are few but mostly involve the steps up to Mx. Ember’s apartment. Bonus: she is a massive bed and/or couch hog.