COVID-19 Policies
We are so excited to get back in the studio for another great year with our dancers and musicians! As always, the safety of our students, staff members, and families is priority number one. As such, and in accordance with state, local, and CDC guidelines, we have developed the following studio policies and procedures to address safety concerns surrounding the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 Screening Protocol:
Employees, students, and customers should assess themselves for symptoms of COVID-19 before attending the studio each time. Employees and customers should ask themselves: “YES or NO, am I experiencing or have I recently experienced any of the following:”
• A new fever (100.4°F or higher) or a sense of having a fever/chills?
• A new cough that cannot be attributed to another health condition?
• New shortness of breath or difficulty breathing that cannot be attributed to another health condition?
• A new sore throat that cannot be attributed to another health condition?
• New muscle aches and/or fatigue (myalgia) that cannot be attributed to another health condition or specific activity (such as physical exercise)?
• New congestion or runny nose that cannot be attributed to another health condition?
• Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea?
• New loss of taste or smell?
• Been in close contact in the last 10 days with anyone known or suspected to have COVID-19, and not yet received a negative COVID test?
If an employee or customer answers YES to any of the screening questions, they must stay home and not report to the studio.
In the case of teacher illness or inability to attend the studio in-person, an appropriate substitute will be provided. In the case of student illness or inability to attend, the student may watch the class recording to make up the missed material and/or they may utilize standard make-up policies once they are well.
Virtual Options: We are no longer offering Zoom or other virtual synchronous options, but you may still access recordings of every class via your Parent Portal for an asynchronous virtual option.
MASKING: Masks are OPTIONAL at this time for all students, family members, guests and visitors EXCEPT when returning after a positive COVID diagnosis as described below, when masking may be required.
VENTILATION: HEPA air purifiers with level 13 filters have been installed in all studios and the main lobbies. In addition, doors are propped open as much as possible to further enhance airflow.
SANITIZING: Additional hand sanitizing stations have been installed in all studios and lobbies. All staff, students, family members, guests, and visitors are encouraged to sanitize hands upon entering the studio. All high-touch surfaces throughout the studio are cleaned and sanitized regularly.
SOCIAL DISTANCING: While there are no official social distancing measures in place at this time, students/families are always welcome to use the online Parent Portal for registration and payment needs or call or email the desk for any customer service needs if you would like to avoid coming into the studio unnecessarily. In addition, to avoid overcrowding, class sizes are capped appropriately based on the room size, student age, and dance style and some classes will continue to enter the studio by one door and exit by the other to promote smooth traffic flow and avoid crowding at exit/entry points at teachers’ discretion.
A student/staff member must quarantine/stay home from the studio for 5 full days AFTER the day of the positive test result or onset of symptoms, whichever was first, and have no fever for at least 24 hours. In addition they must then wear a well-fitted mask for an additional 5 days. Students/staff may return to the studio or unmask sooner only if they have 2 negative rapid test results 24 hours apart.
Lastly, Perfect Pointe is strongly urging everyone to get vaccinated and boosted as you are eligible! You can search for available appointments near you for vaccine boosters here. Find community-based free testing sites here.
We are continuing to carefully monitor the COVID-19 situation in our community and will adjust these guidelines as necessary and appropriate. If you have specific questions, please reach out!